Tuesday 18 December 2007

A Search For Backup

Wow. It has been a long long week. Thank you all for your messages of niceness on here and Afterellen.com regarding my reactions to the “Not so nice when drunk” girl, and for anyone enjoying that chapter of my life, have I got a story for you….

On the 3rd December, at about 10pm, I heard some noise outside my front door. Naturally, I was all “What the fuck?” so I grabbed the handy hockey stick, and opened the door, to reveal a nice large empty bottle of Vodka, and “Not so nice when drunk girl”, who I shall now call Jekylla (Jekyll is too manly). Jekylla was lying there, pretty much out of it, and harping on about how much of a whore I was, and that I should never have left her etc. When she looked up at me, she did a complete personality switch (surprise, surprise) and tried to be nice, saying that she had so much to prove to me, and that she’s nothing without me.

Naturally my first instinct was to slam the door and call the police. But…..no. I’m stupid. I invited her in, and gave her coffee, which she spilt all over when collapsing on the sofa. I let her stay the night (I had no option, there was no way of moving her from the sofa) and woke up to find her gone in the morning, and a note with a rushed scribbled “Thanks” on.

So, I thought, leave it, it’s over. Nothing more to be done, hopefully she’ll come to her senses (more fool me) and that’ll be that. On the 5th December 4am (Yes, 4!!) she turned up again and was trying to break the door down, and shouting obscenities, forcing the whole neighbourhood out of their beds.

Naturally, this time I did call the police. I know it may have been a little drastic, but I felt unsafe again. I feel bad about it, and I know that she will be exceptionally angry, but I have also filed a restraining order. Hopefully that will pan out for the best. I could really do with this not being in my life right now, especially over the festive season.

What do you all think? Do you think the order was too far?

Ooh! Ooh! I almost forgot! I met someone! I think. We’re only one date in (which was fantastic – they took me on a road trip; it was amazing) but we shall see how the next date will go, which is tomorrow, and I will let you all know!

Saturday 1 December 2007

The Search For An Escape

I made a mistake.

I ended up giving into the "Nice-but-a-bitch-when-drunk" girl, and it went terribly wrong. We went for a simple meal together, and things were going swimmingly well. We chatted for an hour before even ordering, had an amazing meal, and found out we had so much in common.

Her aims in life seem to be roughly the same as mine. It's also interesting to note that she is sick of the scene, as she has a semi reputation there. It was one of those talks where you divulge so much, and you both get wrapped up in the conversation that you don't notice anything around you. I felt myself falling big time.

I should have known it was too good to be true.

We ordered some wine with desert, and I'd had a couple of glasses, but noticed every now and then that she was drinking *way* faster than what I was. We went through the jolly stages of alcohol, and I stayed there; until she started getting way loud. All of a sudden she randomly started ranting and raving about her ex, and about how much of a bitch she had been to her (three years ago, might I add) and that she hated women.

I endured this for a while, just to be polite, until all of a sudden she turned on me for looking at and talking to another woman (might I also add here that said woman was the male waitress, who I asked for a glass of water) and about how much of a slut I am (excuse me.....what?) and that I'm "Just like the rest of them" and how "I deserve to rot in hell". She was being overly mean, and was making a scene in front of the restaurant, so much so that I thought that the waiters might have to intervene.

Now, I'm not a mean person, but when she left to go to the bathroom, I quickly swiped her cell from the table, and found my number and deleted it. I also did the same to mine. I left a quick note on the table explaining that I had to leave as I felt uncomfortable and not at all safe. I also left enough money for a cab for her, as I wanted to try and put my mind at ease that she'd get back to her place ok.

I'm feeling kind of guilty; I think that the actions I took were the right ones, but I'm not overly sure. Her place isn't far from mine, so I took a quick drive by to see if she got back ok, and she was on her lawn with her dog, so I know she is safe. I just feel......well.......bad.

I know there is no way that we can make this work, I mean, for a second official date, I think that was pretty much over as soon as it began. But I feel guilty for how she is/isn't feeling now.

I know that she has been bitching about me on the gay scene, as I have heard a few rumours. Some saying that I slept with her multiple times (I never slept with her), some saying that I left with someone from the restaurant that I had been talking to (would that be the male waiter?) and others just saying how much of a bitch I am.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated, even if it is telling me how much of a heartless bitch I am.